Event date: September 21. 2024

Rain Date: September 22. 2024


Please provide an e-mail or phone number - whatever will make it easiest to contact you about your volunteering


Please select any of the tasks you would be able to help with.


Please select the time frame that best works for you


Please select your preference! If you need to clarify something, please select the best option and put notes in the comment section at the end.


For continuity sake, please select to the best of your knowledge

This is your chance to clarify anything we asked above.

Volunteer options!

Volunteer hours are flexible.

You can volunteer in 30 minute increments, 60 minutes, etc.

Please fill out the form provided so we can determine where to place you on our schedule for the day.

Being a volunteer does not mean you can't enjoy the event too!

We are so excited to have you as part of the team, thank you so much for choosing to help make this free community event a success!!

You will absolutely want to join our event pages if you have facebook!

Facebook Pages:

Our planning page for volunteers: <--- Click

Our EVENT page for the public: <---- Click here